Mabel’s Barbeque is proud to offer only the finest quality barbeque, ribs, brisket, and fried chicken around Chester Springs, PA. Born out of a tradition of excellence and, more importantly, patience, Mabel’s Barbeque is certain to satisfy that craving for genuine barbeque, the kind of ribs and brisket that whets the taste buds and waters the mouth. Mabel Spann grew up in Paoli PA, but she knows the secrets and techniques of generations before her, keeping barbeque ribs, brisket, and fried chicken alive in an ever faster world of food.
The secret to genuine, high quality barbeque is taking the time necessary to cook the meat to perfection, resisting the temptation to take short cuts or speedy solutions. Mabel’s dedication to quality starts with the selection of ingredients and continues, carefully tended, all the way to each delicious meal. Mabel specializes in barbeque, but her knowledge also makes for the best fried chicken, ribs, and brisket you’ve ever had! Don’t think about what you’ve had from fast food places and amateurs – Mabel does fried chicken and barbeque right, and once you’ve tried it, you’ll never go back.